Artist Spotlight: Kiah Cheney

Hello, hello! Happy April, everyone! I’m kicking off a new blog series this week where I feature a few of the artists that I’ve worked with over the course of my author journey. I am so excited to share these interviews with you, as I have been so lucky to have worked with some pretty amazing people, with such talent and skill.

First up, I’d like to introduce you to Kiah Cheney. I met Kiah back in in 2017, when she was one of five local high school art students that illustrated my picture book, When Mother Read Aloud. The book tells the life story of my great-great-great grandmother, Almyra King Holsclaw, an Indiana pioneer woman. It was a joy to work with Kiah, and I am thrilled to share our interview with you here, as well as some of her beautiful artwork.

Tell us a little about yourself and how you most like to use your art in your life. 

I’m a 23 y/o self-taught artist. I primarily use my art in freelance commission work or personal projects. I am, however, working on getting my Bachelor's in Game Art. This includes 3D modeling and rendering, digital painting, animation, and much more. It has been an incredibly fun and educational process so far. 

What has been your biggest inspiration for your art? 

Some of my biggest inspirations for my art have been my parents. They have always encouraged me to pursue my passions and, for me, that happened to be art. My mother is also an artist and has been somewhat of a teacher to me over the years. I think she’s probably been my biggest overall inspiration over the years. She’s taught me much but also provided a space where I could grow and develop as an artist without any negativity. She’d always be so kind with any critiques, leaning more towards educating me than anything. I account much of my growth in my younger years to her gentle and kind approach to helping me learn. 

What is inspiring you most at this point in time? 

Lately, I’ve been most inspired by a dear friend of mine, Ireen Chau. She is an indie author and illustrator. Recently, Ireen has been publishing books in her Witches of Olderea series; The Herbwitch’s Apprentice and The Herbwitch Seamstress. I have loved watching Ireen grow and develop as an artist and author, as well as watching her grow her following with these books. She truly inspires me every day to keep doing what I’m doing and never give up. She is also just a wonderful person and friend all around. 

How do you keep your creative practice fresh? 

I like to push myself out of my comfort zone if things are feeling too stagnant in my art; study the style of another artist, attempt something new to me, etc. I find it pretty easy to feel like I’m stuck in my growth so things like this help break that funk. For quicker, easier practice I like to do a lot of gesture drawings. Mostly when warming up before a creating session. I find this helps warm up my hands and loosen things up allowing my lines to be better and more fluid throughout whatever I’m creating. 

What words of wisdom would you give young creatives?

I would say to just be kind to yourself and give yourself some grace. It can be hard but don’t give up. We all start in the same place. I know it’s hard to see the work of other creatives and want to compare yourself to them. You need to remember that art is a journey that we’re all on. Some of us are just in different stages of that journey and this doesn't make your work any less valid or wonderful. Try to stay consistent in your practice and don’t be afraid to lean on other artists you know for support. I am always happy to share what I know with young creatives and help when I can. My DM’s will always be open on my Instagram for such things. 

Connect with Kiah:

Kiah’s Art

Kiah’s illustrations from When Mother Read Aloud:

Recent artwork by Kiah:

Thank you so much for sharing with us here, Kiah. It was wonderful to reconnect with you, and I am so glad you are still pursuing your art. I’m wishing you all the best. Keep creating!



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